Thursday, October 18, 2012

Add Complete Fool and Sell-Out to His Bio!

Bill Goesling
I just read that the person pictured above and whose bio is set forth below,  a member of the Idaho Board of Education, voted today to permit U of Idaho Law School students to attend their second year of law school in Boys' Town. They already were permitted to attend in Boys' Town in their third year.  He vote was the swing vote in a 4-3 vote. His vote is representative of a complete fool and sell-out of the interests of the U of Idaho and Moscow. Incredible does not even begin to describe his vote which effectively moves the law school to Boys' Town from Moscow...where he supposedly resides. What a hack.  
Bill Goesling, Member
Term Expires: 02/28/16
Committees: Instruction, Research & Student Affairs
William (Bill) Goesling was appointed to the State Board of Education in April 2011. Goesling retired in 1989 after 24 years of active duty with the United States Navy. As a naval aviator, Goesling logged over 6,500 hours in 17 different aircraft models and received numerous awards for heroism including the Distinguished Flying Cross. As a naval officer, Goesling served in leadership positions for a variety of military and civilian organizations. Goesling was twice awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in recognition of his leadership performance.
Goesling holds Master’s Degrees in Management and Applied Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry. He has teaching experience at both secondary and college levels and has served on numerous academic committees including faculty councils and as a graduate level programs director. Since retiring, Goesling has earned a PhD in education and served on numerous boards including the Moscow School District Board of Trustees and the Idaho State Public Charter School Commission.


Cedar Street Kid said...

This is totally wrong. Pretty soon everything will be there.

Go Figure said...

Bingo...This move seals the deal.